Dove si trova la Sacra Rota?
Il Tribunale della Rota Romana (in latino Tribunal Rotae Romanae, noto anche come Tribunale della Sacra Rota), è un dicastero della Curia romana ed è il tribunale ordinario della Santa Sede. Ha sede a Roma, nel Palazzo della Cancelleria, ma in antico ebbe sede anche nel Palazzo Farnese.
Quando si può chiedere l’annullamento del matrimonio civile?
Il matrimonio civile può essere annullato se manca l’età minima per prestare il consenso, vale a dire, 18 anni, o 16 anni se ci sono “gravi motivi” (art. 84 c.c.), se manca la libertà di stato, perché uno dei coniugi è sposato o vincolato da un’unione civile (art. 123 c.c.).
What is a 1095-C form?
This Form 1095-C includes information about the health insurance coverage offered to you by your employer. Form 1095-C, Part II, includes information about the coverage, if any, your employer offered to you and your spouse and dependent(s).
What is form 1094-c used for?
Forms 1094-C and 1095-C are used in determining whether an ALE Member owes a payment under the employer shared responsibility provisions under section 4980H. Form 1095-C is also used in determining the eligibility of employees for the premium tax credit.
What is the IRS penalty for not filing Form 1095-C?
The IRS will not impose a penalty for failure to furnish Form 1095-C to any employee enrolled in an ALE member’s self-insured health plan who is not a full-time employee for any month of 2020 if certain conditions are met. See Notice 2020-76 and Information reporting penalties.
How do I truncate the Social Security number on Form 1095-C?
Filers of Form 1095-C may truncate the social security number (SSN) of an individual (the employee or any family member of the employee receiving coverage) on Form 1095-C statements furnished to employees by showing only the last four digits of the SSN and replacing the first five digits with asterisks (*) or Xs.